Explore your personality with its traits, strengths, and weaknesses and learn how this will help you in life. Are you ready to face your true self?

Nail Biting Can Reveal That You Have This Personality Trait, Recent Study Finds

According to a recent study, people who have the habit of nail biting tend to be perfectionists. Nail biting is a bad habit which is typically associated with anxiety and nervousness. You might have an array of excuses of why you are biting your nails, but according to a new…

Sense of Belonging Could Explain Why You Are Unhappy (and How to Achieve It)

Human beings have an inherent desire for a sense of belonging. Connection makes us feel happy and secure while feeling rejected causes unhappiness and pain. Why do humans need a sense of belonging? Feeling like we belong is a human need, just like the need for food and shelter. When…

Why Depression Symptoms Are More Common in Introverts

Recent studies have proven that introverts have a high probability of having depression symptoms. Though both introverts and extroverts can suffer from mental illness, introverts are more susceptible to depression than extroverts or ambiverts. “I am rarely bored alone; I am often bored in groups and crowds.” Laurie A Helgoe…

What You Post on Facebook Reveals Something Important about Your Personality

A new study reveals that what you post on Facebook and other social media can reveal personality traits such as self-esteem and narcissism. Posting on Facebook has become a seamless action performed by almost everyone on a daily basis. Even though we tend not to put a lot of thought…

What the Art Styles You Like Reveal about Your Personality Traits

What art styles do you like? Are you drawn to abstract paintings or prefer more traditional styles? Does impressionism drive you delirious with despair or with happiness? We all have preferences when it comes to what type of art we like. Art is a subjective matter and can bring out…

7 Reasons Why Social Media Platforms Are Meant for Introverts

For an introvert, socializing can be exhausting. But social media platforms can help us stay connected while still allowing us enough downtime. Here are seven reasons social media platforms help introverts to stay connected and be more sociable. 1. We find interactions on social media less intimidating than face-to-face interactions…