How to unleash your inner power and find your path in life with the help of spirituality? Learn about spiritual growth and psychic development.

3 Incredible Things You Can Do in Lucid Dreams

Lucid dreams, or dreams you have conscious control of, show how complicated and powerful our mind is. I've written a lot of articles regarding different topics associated with dreaming. From the different reasons why dreams are so interesting, various motivations behind analyzing dreams for different people, the dangers of this…

How to Get Your Wishes Fulfilled Using the Law of Attraction

Do you want to get your wishes fulfilled? If you stretch your awareness a little bit, you will realize that the world around you is a clear manifestation of your own desires, thoughts, perceptions, feelings and emotions. You may call it destiny or karma, but you have always received what…

Depression May Be a Sign of Spiritual Enlightenment, Study Suggests

Could depression be an indication of spiritual enlightenment? I have a plethora of opinions concerning depression. Considering I have been to therapists my entire life, those opinions war with each other and force a place into my brain. I do have depression, or to be exact, I suffer from Bipolar…

4 Powers That May Be Hiding Behind Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are commonly associated with being a purely negative thing. It’s no surprise, since anxiety, especially in its severe forms, can make one’s life difficult. Whatever type of anxiety disorder you may be suffering from, it’s for sure that it causes you troubles, making you unable to handle the…

10 Warning Signs You Have Lost Touch with Your Intuition

Being aligned with your intuition can reap benefits and guide you through life’s challenges. The ability to follow our intuition – to understand something instinctively without any reasoning – is something we are all naturally equipped with. Einstein himself defined it as ‘the only real valuable thing’. It can guide…

Spiritually-Minded People May Be More Likely to Suffer from Anxiety Disorders

A study suggests that there might be a link between anxiety and being spiritually-minded. Many people in our oh-so-busy world suffer from General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), which is regarded as a chemical imbalance based disability. Those who live with anxiety will attest to the horrifying bouts and painful attacks their…