What secrets does the human brain hide? Latest discoveries in neuroscience & cognitive science and unbelievable facts about the human brain

This Is How Men and Women See Things Differently, According to Science

We all know that men and women see some things differently, both literally and figuratively speaking. A recent study sheds new light on the differences between the male and female brain regarding color perception. Have you ever been at a hardware store, attempting to pick a paint color for your home,…

5 Everyday Ingredients That Damage Your Brain Health

We are often told which ingredients to avoid for weight loss and which to consume to improve our general physical appearance, but considering what we put into our bodies for our brain health is equally, if not more, important. We’ve covered the essential vitamins and brain food we should be…

Artist with Synesthesia Can See Music So She Paints What Famous Songs Look Like

Everyone knows mental and/or physical conditions are pretty bad, and most just downright suck. However, there are some that can be considered good, in a certain light. Take synesthesia for example. Synesthesia is a very rare condition that affects the neurological system where the pathways in the brain that govern…

Can Human Consciousness Be Described as a Quantum Effect?

Our brain has enormous capabilities. Conciseness is a unique property of the human brain and is attributed only to that of humans and not animals as there has not been any clue of its existence for animals. There are many definitions for human consciousness. Consciousness is regarded as the ability…

New Revolutionary Wearable Device Can Adjust Your Mindset in a Few Minutes

I have ALWAYS been uneasy about adjusting my state of consciousness via external means, yet even I’m enthusiastic about the social implications of the new “Thync” wearable technology. Some tech reviewers have been comparing its ambition-enhancing or emotionally centering effects to those of coffee or marijuana but without the downsides.…

Is Telepathy Possible? Scientists Experiment with Mind-Reading

Relaying messages telepathically from one mind to the other may sound like something from a sci-fi movie. Well, this is exactly where this activity can be found. But is telepathy possible in real life? A recent study shows promising results. While reading minds is a thing of fantasy, it could…