The loss of the loved ones is a huge tragedy for any person, and even the most convinced atheist begins to believe in the divine at a moment of grief. Sometimes, we have dreams in which a dead friend or relative appears before us.
Neuroscientists and psychologists believe that such dreams are nothing but a sign of unhealthy grief, mental disorders, or agitated memory. But what if the truth is hidden somewhere in between this purely materialistic perspective and our perception of life and death?
The brain and dreams
We are not far off the day when the greatest mysteries of the human brain processes will be solved. In the meantime, scientists managed just to point out the parts of the brain responsible for emotional and mental regulation.
In fact, we still do not know how the brain works, and most of our knowledge is based on assumptions rather than on proven facts. The human brain is often compared with a network of several interconnected computers that can work together and autonomously.
Scientists have even tried to find the soul in the human brain, but to date, the research in this direction has not brought any results.
Therefore, no one can pinpoint the exact source of dreams. The streams of information in our dreams at first glance have nothing in common with each other.
The mystery of dreams
However, on closer examination, it looks as if several people interacted with each other in a pre-created environment. So, maybe everyone whom we have ever met remains in our subconscious in some extraordinary way.
Often, in our dreams, we see people we hardly know, but information about them sometimes can be remarkably accurate.
What if our dreams were a direct channel to communicate with other people? Theoretically, we are familiar only with a small fraction of the processes occurring in the human brain every second.
The difference between this unusual concept and other theories about how we imagine and remember others opens up a whole string of new opportunities for understanding the world.
Can these peculiar forms of memories that live in us be a source of the necessary information? Can our minds be connected to each other and form some kind of network?
If we were actually mentally connected to each other, then perhaps the souls of our departed relatives and close friends could send a part of themselves to appear in our dreams?
Of course, all this is only speculation, but this is the scope of this article – to entertain our thought with eternal questions and impossible scenarios.
I hope, someday, we will reach the required level of understanding of the processes occurring in the human brain, and then, we will finally be able to say with certainty what is true and what is a fairy tale invented by dreamers with a wounded soul…
This simple article touched my soul