Buried at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and dating back to 65 million years, lies the remnants of a city. Could this be the lost city of Atlantis?
The lost city of Atlantis brings to mind things of fantasy, doesn’t it? Disney portrays Atlantis as the home for mermaids and sea gods, sunken deep below the ocean’s surface.
Plato, a Greek philosopher in the 4th Century BCE, spoke of a traveler named Solon who had a vast knowledge of Atlantis. Apparently, the city was destroyed more than once by natural disasters. Atlantis, or “The Pillars of Hercules,” was buried under mud, only leaving traces of its existence.
Over time, Atlantis has become somewhat of a myth. We had almost given up locating this mysterious city… until now.
Treasures found
According to geologists, we may have found the lost city of Atlantis! Well, it’s just a possibility, but it’s still a big excitement for the archeological community!
A company studying seismic activity in the North Atlantic Ocean conducted research on behalf of oil companies, using the technique of underwater acoustic imaging.
The result was an area of great geological interest, with rivers, forests, and mountains, which could be the lost Atlantis!
“When we made the three-dimensional imaging of the buried area, we saw something that looked like a piece of land of some country. We could say it is a fossil of an ancient landscape that is located about two miles below the seabed,” said Dr. Nicky White, a geologist from the University of Cambridge.
The area is at a distance of about 10,000 sq. km. west of Orkney and Shetland islands and the researchers do not exclude that its large landmasses could have joined to the territories of today’s Scotland and extended even as far as Norway!
The evidence they found led them to conclude that the submerged area was once above sea level when it emerged from the depths and then dived into the deep forever. Studies show that the city experienced more than one destructive time in history.
What puzzles experts is the time of the emergence and the subsequent re-immersion of the lost landscape.
“The evidence we have says that it probably happened within 2.5 million years – a very short timeframe from a geological point of view,” explains the lead researcher.
Recent Findings
The problem with finding the lost city of Atlantis is that no historical document provides its exact location, so no one knows for sure where to look for it. Different researchers speak of different possible locations of the legendary city.
As such, a report broadcasted on a National Geographic documentary shows the lost city of Atlantis located in quite another area altogether.
Large stone anchors located in the waters of the Strait of Gibraltar, between Africa and Spain were said to be portions of the city. Over time, these particular reports are becoming more factual, due to the artifacts found in the area.
Some researchers believe the city of Atlantis is actually Tarshish, a city spoken of in the Bible. In fact, Tarshish (Tartessos) was located at the exact same spot that the lost city of Atlantis was said to be.
Simcha Jacobovici, an award-winning journalist, said,
“There are many artifacts and ancient writings that show that 3,000 years ago there was a great city of Tartessos, very wealthy and with a powerful navy.”
In any case, Atlantis is the “holy grail” of archaeologists, and the funds available for this kind of research are huge! It will take some time to fully understand all we need to know about the lost city of Atlantis and what disaster proved to be the ultimate ending to the legendary city.