8 Examples of Butterfly Effect That Changed the World Forever

The Butterfly Effect is a theory that a butterfly flapping its wings in one part of the world can cause devastating consequences in another part. Previously, the term was weather-related, but nowadays it is a metaphor for how a small and insignificant event can cause a major change in circumstances.…

3 Classic Novels That Perfectly Explain Why Modern Western Civilization Is Doomed

Some classic novels offer such extraordinary insight into the weaknesses of modern western civilization that they seem almost prophetic. 1. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde The picture of Dorian Gray is the first on my list of classic novels. True, it's not quite a sci-fi dystopia, but it offers…

10 Traits That Separate Book Smart People From Genuinely Intelligent People

Intelligence is different from learning. Just because someone is not particularly book smart doesn’t mean they are of lower intelligence. What is book smart? Book smart generally means someone who has had a good education or has chosen to learn independently through educational activities such as reading, documentaries, and courses.…