Positive Psychology Reveals 5 Exercises to Boost Your Happiness

These exercises from positive psychology will provide an effective and easy way for you to increase your well-being and overall satisfaction. There are a lot of everyday things that you can do and foods that you can eat to boost happiness – draw a hot bath, enjoy a bar of…

4 Signs of Loneliness That Indicate You Are Actually Disconnected from Yourself (and How to Reconnect)

Loneliness isn’t always caused by being on our own. There are several signs of loneliness that can come from feeling disconnected from ourselves. When signs of loneliness are actually clues to disconnection Sometimes, we try to avoid feeling lonely by spending all our time with others, but it doesn’t always…

Surprising Insights about Night People Vs. Morning People, Backed by Research

The latest research suggests that night people might actually be healthier, wealthier and wiser than morning people. Ben Franklin famously said, “early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” However, research suggests that it might be quite the opposite. In fact, night people could be more intelligent…

Self-Criticism Seems Natural, but It’s Not – How to Recognize and Stop This Bad Habit

Self-criticism is a like second nature, once it gets started, it's easy to do. The good news is, you can break this unhealthy habit with just a few steps. Critical aspects of our character and image become clear to us as soon as we wake up each morning. That is,…

5 Surprising Signs of Being Mentally Strong (Backed by Science)

We may think of mentally strong people as being tough and unemotional. But other signs include crying, gratitude and taking responsibility for our lives. Here are five signs of being mentally strong that you might find surprising: 1. Practicing realistic optimism Positive thinking has been very popular recently, however, it…

5 Signs You Might Be a Lost Soul (and How to Find Your Way Home)

In a world that values logic and rational thinking above all else, it is little wonder that there are many who feel they are a lost soul. A lost soul has become out of touch with their intuition and inner guidance. In a world where anything that cannot be measured or…