Why Depressive Disorder Is a Real Epidemic in Modern Society and Non-Existent in Indigenous Cultures

Do you suffer from depressive disorder? Well, let’s hope you’re one of the small percent that does not. If you do suffer from depressive disorder, however, I’m sure you’re on a mission to overcome this illness in any way you can. Of course, you are, and I am too, for…

What Causes Depression? 4 Possible Answers That Offer Practical Solutions

What causes depression? Is it something that you’re born with? Is it a chemical imbalance? Is it lifestyle-related, or is it your experiences? Depression and other mood disorders are very complex, and what causes them is still not entirely understood. It's become increasingly clear in recent years that the relationship…

6 Reasons Why Intelligent People Fail to Be Happy

Have you noticed that some of the most intelligent and deep thinking individuals out there fail to be happy? They may have a loving life partner, family, and be successful in their job; yet, there is something that occasionally makes them feel alone, sad, and discouraged. As Ernest Hemingway said,…

7 Ways People With Anxiety Problems Perceive The World

According to a study by Current Biology, people with anxiety problems might have brains that are fundamentally different than their peers. But what does that mean in the real world? How do these neurological differences affect how people with anxiety problems see and interpret the things around them? Here are…