6 Things That Kill Self-Esteem in Children and What to Do to Boost It

Children's self-esteem can be negatively affected by certain things their parents do, without even realizing that. Are you guilty of any of these parenting behaviors? Self-esteem in children is much more vulnerable than it is in adults. For this reason, some early childhood experiences and parenting habits may have a…

5 Reasons Why Children’s Mental Health and Brain Development Are Failing in Today’s Society

Does our modern lifestyle help or hinder children’s mental health? There are some people that believe it definitely hinders and can actually affect brain development. So it is true that children's mental health is failing in today’s society, especially when they have so much more to hand than previous generations?…

How Narcissistic Personality Is Formed: 4 Things That Turn Children into Narcissists

What causes someone to develop a narcissistic personality? Is it their environment, their genes, or could it be the way they were parented? There have been many studies that attempt to find out the origins of a narcissistic personality. Research suggests narcissism is created, not innate, and that certain factors…

Children of Abusive Parents Have These 6 Struggles Later in Life

Children of abusive parents don’t just suffer at the time the abuse is taking place, but later on in life as well. It’s not surprising that being a child of abusive parents leaves such long-lasting scars on one's soul. Consider that as children we are forming our most important attachments…

5 Toxic Mother-Daughter Relationships Most People Think Are Normal

The thing about toxic mother-daughter relationships is that until you grow up, leave home, and discover other people’s family dynamics, everything seems normal. I was a person that didn’t realise I was in one of those toxic mother-daughter relationships until I began speaking to my sisters after my mother had…

You Were Raised by Narcissists If You Can Relate to These 9 Things

Most people have no clue that they were raised by narcissists. In fact, many of the traits that develop from such a childhood often get misunderstood as isolated character traits. Let’s pretend we’re traveling in time, back to the 70s, 80s or 90s. In other words, let’s visit your childhood.…