4 Struggles a Child Raised in a Single-Parent Family May Have Later in Life

The number of children being raised in a single-parent family is higher than ever before. In earlier civilisations, the untimely death of a partner was usually the only circumstance surrounding a single-parent family. But in the modern era, there are many reasons that contribute to the sharp increase of single-parent…

6 Ways Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers Struggle Later in Life

Mothers should put their children first and love them above everything else in their lives. But daughters of narcissistic mothers don’t get that precious love. As a result, they can struggle in later life. For the vast majority of us, our mothers are our primary caregivers. We learn about the…

How to Find Your Child’s Temperament Type and Parent Them Accordingly

The temperament is a set of characteristics and qualities a person exhibits on a daily basis, starting with early childhood. How to find your child's temperament type and how will it help you parent them? There are seven major characteristics making up temperament in children: activity level, approachability, adaptability, mood,…

6 Ways Adult Children of Alcoholics Struggle Later in Life

Adult children of alcoholics suffer far beyond those traumatic years of watching their parents destroy themselves. There are damages left behind. Statistics are startling. The truth is, over 6 million children grow up with one or both parents stricken by alcoholism. In 1970, ALCOA (adult children of alcoholics) was formed,…

Golden Child in a Narcissistic Family and What Lies Behind a Perfect Image

At first sight, a golden child may look like the perfect child who is likely to have a successful life. But are things really that perfect? Before we talk about the phenomenon of a golden child, let’s mention that every parent has dreams for their child. Parents plan for the…

11 Things Toxic Parents Do and Say That Have a Lifetime Effect on Their Children

As children, we look to our parents for love, support, guidance, and validation. But what if those parents are toxic parents? What if everything they do to us, tell us, show us or provide for us is damaging? Some children raised in an abusive environment will focus on surviving. Others…

Teen Angst: 7 Signs Your Teen Is Suffering and How to Help Them

Teenagers seem rude, lazy, and just plain strange, don’t they? Well, it’s not really their fault. You’re simply witnessing teen angst at work. There’s a creature, clad in dark hoodie, which makes odd groans and speaks in alien languages. No, it’s not a monster, it’s only a teenager suffering from…