Is It Possible to Change and Erase Bad Memories During Sleep?

  During sleep, bad memories become less clear, claim U.S. researchers. A group of researchers at Northwestern University in Chicago developed a technique that makes it possible to change human memories during sleep. The study was published in the journal Nature Neuroscience. Previously, many experiments on animals and observations of…

9 Things That Enhance Your Brain Function

We all know that things like solving puzzles, healthy nutrition, and exercise enhance our brain function. But what about some less obvious ones? 9 Things That Enhance Your Brain Function 1. Specific goals Once you articulate a specific goal or a task for yourself, wonderful things will start happening. You…

5 Things in Your Everyday Life That Are Slowly Killing Your Intelligence

Did you know that certain things you come in contact with in your everyday life are slowly killing your intelligence by deteriorating your cognitive performance? Sometimes, we don't realize how harmful our habits may be. You have already worked a lot to increase your intelligence and this is something you…