Telekinesis is the ability to move inanimate objects at will. Some examples include:

  • changing the direction of a compass needle,
  • moving objects in the air,
  • bending metal items, or
  • extinguishing the flame of a candle at a distance.

Among the psychic phenomena such as clairvoyance, telepathy, and others, the phenomenon of telekinesis is one of the most intriguing ones. These psychic abilities have long puzzled the human mind. They have been known to yogis, mystics of antiquity, who were believed to be able to materialize objects, move them, or lift them into the air. Do these miraculous psychic powers exist and is it possible to affect material objects without direct physical impact, according to science?

Is It Possible to Measure Telekinesis in Laboratory Settings?

Some researchers claim that the possibility of telekinesis being real could have associations with the formation of powerful physical fields (telekinesis generates a strong electromagnetic field and acoustic signals that last about 0.1-0.01 seconds).

However, even if telekinesis exists, measuring it in laboratory settings would be a challenging task. The difficulty of studying the phenomenon of telekinesis would have to do with the fact that the results of experiments would be hardly reproducible. Thus, it wouldn’t be an easy task to study telekinesis by conventional methods of modern science. People who claim they have telekinesis usually can’t explain how they do it and find it difficult to manage this condition and to reproduce it in subsequent experiments.

People who claim to be telekinetic also say that they experience extreme physical and mental stress that has tangible effects on their health. During experiments, they would experience acute brain activity, high blood pressure, and increased heart rate. Even when the experiment is over, the subject needs much time to recover and return to their normal state.

According to people who claim to have psychic abilities such as telekinesis, it often appears as a result of injury, illness, stress, or trauma. If this is true, it could hint at the hidden reserves of the human brain.

Experiments at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory

Dr. Robert G. Jahn, the head of the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR), conducted a series of experiments on consciousness-related anomalous phenomena such as telekinesis, which aimed to confirm the possibility that the human mind can affect material objects.

It included thousands of experiments, which involved hundreds of men and women of all ages and professions. Subjects had to move a pendulum, placed under a transparent plastic cap. They were also asked to affect a variety of devices and liquid media, such as highly precise chronometers, lasers, electrical generators of electromagnetic radiation, and water.

As a result, some subjects did show evidence of psychic abilities, but the observed effects were too small, counting for about 0,1%. Moreover, the experiments were then criticized in the scientific literature for the flaws in experiment procedures, a lack of control series, and ethical violations.

Thus, according to psychologist C. E. M. Hansel, who assessed the results of Jahn’s experiments,

“Very little information is provided about the design of the experiment, the subjects, or the procedure adopted. Details are not given about the subjects, the times they were tested, or the precise conditions under which they were tested.”

So, unfortunately, to date, there is no confirmed scientific evidence that telekinesis exists. However, anything is possible, and it could be that future experiments may help to reveal the possibility of telekinesis.



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This Post Has 43 Comments

  1. Missouri

    Videos or it didn’t happen.

    1. nikki

      My grandmother had telekenetic abilities. And all SORTS of unexplainable things would happen around her. She had an extremely high IQ,like WAY high, but she also had a chemicle imbalance and was diagnosed manic-depressive & skitzophrenic. It was the craziest thing! (No pun intended, really!) One day she was teaching college, married and raising 4 children, just as “normal” & rational as you please…and the next day, she’s off-her-rocker cuckoo, waving a gun at my grandpa and thinking imaginary people were hiding under the floorboards with listening devices…but that was at her most extreme. 99% of the time, she was just my sweet, funny little granny. A wee bit confused maybe, but a real hoot! Anyhoo…This was back in the days of shock treatment (as mentioned in the article) and not only that, but she was struck by lightning THREE TIMES in her life! Most people don’t even get struck ONCE, much less THREE times! She was like a lightning rod! She also heard voices, which the family explained to me early in life. I had no problem with her hearing voices, I loved her no matter what problems she had, so it didn’t bother me until the day I heard one of “HER” voices myself! The dog heard it too! It was un-mistakably my grandfather’s voice calling to her from the back bedroom at the end of the hall. PLAIN AS DAY we heard it call her…”Pat?” Problem was, GRANDPA WASN’T HOME at the time! So what was this THING imitating his voice?! We all three froze (me, her & “little bit”, the dog) picture a chijuajua, big eyed and shaking…and then looked at each other. Granny had a slightly disturbed expression, but patted the couch beside her and told me it would be ok…and it was. (Still scared the doody out of me though!) But that was only the beginning of the weirdness. As I said, she had telekenesis. She moved a phone the last time I witnessed it happen. Not long before she died (bless her sweet little heart) But the point of this book I’ve written here, is that I think these scientists are spot-on about why it happens. There are contributing factors..
      (Mental stress, electromagnetism, shock-treatment, MIND POWER) it’s all energy and it DOES manifest in the most amazing ways! Thank you for reading my ramblings…really enjoyed this article! 🙂

      1. Justin

        What you are saying unexplainable events is what im dealing with which wow

        1. Dark Energy


    1. Someone

      Yes, and that is a trick a magician can easily exposed. She is tricking you and you fall for it. You are getting lied to and you just accept it without questions.

  2. Leandro

    Wow! That is so creepy yet so cool!!!

  3. Patrick Parks

    Ive noticed something odd that keeps happening with cellphones. Sometimes the phone will light up or even choose whatever i am about to do before i touch the screen. For whatever reason its usually when im playing a game or something like that. Whatever button on the screen i am about to press will press on its own or light up before i press it. Kind of hard to explain this away, so i thought it worth mentioning. Ive been looking online to see if anyone else has had this happen to them on a fairly regular basis but have not found anything yet…..

    1. Xavier

      Hello Patrick.

      Ive been watching your development for quite some time. You are truly gifted, as am I. Forgive my ambiguity, but i fear we havent the essence of time. For there is a grave danger approaching, and im here to make you an offer…….

      open your mind, so that we might find a more comfortable place for our conversation.

      1. Dark Energy

        lol i love references

    2. Paul

      I’ve experienced similar things. I first started noticing it when playing solitaire on my tablet. I’d get going so fast on a streak and make a move only to realize I had not actually touched the screen. I was still unsure until one day I activated an icon with a gesture with my finger at least 2 inches from the screen.

    3. moyok

      You are not the only one once i was playing crysis and i fire a missile and there was no missile available cuz i have use them all … not lying was really focusing my mind into it and triple check before the launch of the missile i had zero available… then i focus and the character shot the missile…
      We are obtaining electromagnetism as species and we will be controlling other objects remotly…like once i want to call my mom so bad than later she called me saying if i have been calling her cuz me name showed in her phone and i didnt had a phone in that time neither i called her using the phone in the house …trully spectacular cuz the phone id showed my name and i wasnt in her name phone list and the number was not present as record it just showed my name XD … i have other tales but i want to master something maybe some day… maybe never but to humanity is coming …

      1. Dark Energy

        even if you really did use psychic powers for this, you shouldn’t be using them on games. It was most likely a glitch anyway. I also work with computers so i would know that that is a common glitch with mobile games.

      2. Lexi

        It’s been 9 years since I posted but I know it’s true. Stress makes people glitch out. Just the stress of a want. That’s pretty powerful. But be careful with people. They find out about it and do nasty things. I’m glad I read your post.

    4. Lola

      That happens to me too. Not only with the phones.

  4. Nyx Gray

    i’ve also expeirenced something like that.

    i have had expeirences where i can see the future or what people are about to say and i get a weird fuzzy feeling when i have incoming messages on my phone. no vibrate or volume at all.

    some times i have rare occasions where things fall down when items are hung up propperly in the kitchen and with no wind and doors shut when i was about to shut it with my hand but some times i think the house is haunted. even though i dont believe in ghosts.

  5. Nicholas

    I’ve had odd situations like the cell phone radiation as well… I was listening to a song on the radio with my friends (a song that I didn’t know well at all; didn’t even really like) and I began to move my body with the music (which, by the way, I’ve realized to be the ultimate secret to dancing :P).. the anamoly here, is that without trying to control it, my feet began to tap to the music *exactly*. At first, I stopped trying to control it and they just went by themselves at an exact pace.. then I was able to stop paying attention and give full thought to conversation with my friends. The entire song was tapped and rolled through my legs and feet with no effort; though I could add more beats or take some out and play with it. It was amazing. I can purposefully control static of radios, affect others’ emotions… I wish someone else who has these abilities or knows of a psychic institute would give me some sort of (helpful) assistance to keep my on track.. does anyone know of something or someone like this???

    1. Marc Hubs (Sparkster)

      I experience similar things. Whilst most of what I can do is what I’ve learned from studying the human mind and the power of the subconscious all my life, some of my abilities seemed to become unlocked after having a near-death experience. I can sit in my room, focus on my light bulb and cause the light to start flickering erratically. I have blown three bulbs within a couple of weeks by doing so recently. I can also affect others emotions (empathy is emotional telepathy, emotion is energy in motion), I sometimes get precognition and I can also manifest beautiful loving orbs of light in the night sky. Amazingly, a few years back I myself was an atheist and believed that everything had a rational explanation. That is, until my lifetime studies of the subconscious mind led me to discovering the ultimate truth and I believe that becoming an atheist was simply just a part of that journey. In reality, atheists who assume that the subconscious is responsible are right but they’re wrong thinking that it ends there – it doesn’t.

  6. mystercynicism

    Wow, ur paranormal abilities are truly awesome. I totally believe and empathize. That’s why I feel it my duty to tell u guys about the Million dollar paranormal challenge. Amazingly its still hasn’t been claimed. Check it out at Easy earnings for u gifted folk. U guys are so lucky!

    1. Marc Hubs (Sparkster)

      These offers are bullsh*t. They want to seek out those with paranormal abilities so that they can target you in order to suppress the truth and stop it from getting out. Even if successful, they will deny the results, not pay you and claim that you were unsuccessful. Additionally, the way they carry out these experiments under controlled conditions shows that they don’t have even the slightest understanding of how this phenomenon works and therefore they undermine these abilities by putting conditions in place which prevent the phenomenon from happening. I do not find science credible any more, especially not peer-reviewed science. It’s all junk science designed to disinform and to lead people away from the truth.

  7. lucas

    sometimes i see the clock tick one second back….its random so how can that be explained?

  8. TP

    So how about gravity? Law of physics? where the scientific explanation of this ability? If there is scientific data, where brain imaging tests, to see what kinds of brain regions correspond for this phenomenon? Those scientists in this article are widely known of their inaccurate experiments. So if experiment is not accurate, so is data. I think people just want to believe so deeply that they imagine things to move or do some other unnatural things… Maybe you should find real scientific experiments that there done on this phenomenon and then post that those abilities exist.

    1. Marc Hubs (Sparkster)

      I can provide a scientific explanation but that explanation would be considered pseudoscience by conventional mainstream science and that’s because conventional mainstream science is utter bullsh*t designed to disinform and discredit certain truths. By the way, I myself am a qualified physicist and I stand by what I just stated. The true scientific data behind this phenomena is classified under military conditions. They do not want it becoming publicly accessible. The military are decades ahead of conventional mainstream science and they control it and manipulate it to only make publicly available information which they want publicly available. As I said in another comment, peer-reviewed mainstream science is junk science designed to disinform so that the true science can be used in secret projects for military applications..

  9. Theodore Grivoldi

    I don’t think that you have telekinesis. Because I was born with it and I can feel the object as if it was in my hand as I’m moving it .

  10. Marc Hubs (Sparkster)

    I achieved telekinesis inadvertently for the first time 2007 and no, it was nothing to do with a will to believe or with self-delusion or hallucination and there IS scientific explanation for it but the explanations are not considered credible by conventional science and that’s because conventional science is prone to confirmation bias. When they see something that doesn’t adhere to conventional scientific beliefs and assumptions (and believe me, there are plenty of assumptions in science) they simply refuse to accept it (cognitive dissonance). Telekinesis is definitely real and definitely possible and I know how it works. In my case, I managed to launch a large pile of toys all the way across a 21-ft room – that was NOT imaginary – I had to clean up all the toys the next morning. Even I went into a state of cognitive dissonance at first and refused to believe that it had happened, even though it was me who had achieved it myself. It took me quite a bit of time to actually come to terms with the fact that it was real and it happened. If you really want a scientific explanation then study quantum mechanics. It explains how these kind of phenomena are indeed possible due to the true nature of reality which is not acknowledged by mainstream science. The circular thinking pattern of “it can’t happen so it didn’t” is typical of atheism and yet atheists use the exact same argument against religious believers. It seems that atheism is not only the biggest form of cerebral narcissism but is also the most effective form of mind control in existence today.

    1. Al

      I stand with Marc Hubs, the mainstream is full of shit nower days, on the behalf of conventional science and a bunch load of other crap. Telekinesis has been real ever since mankind was born, all the way down from since Jesus and so on. What really trips me is people view Telekinesis as a joke, when its really not that complicated to think about. And when you do think about it, its like going through training wheels all over again, but this time your using your mind and energy on objects, sounds critical but its simple. Telekinesis is definitely possible, so I encourage you to view these links

      How to Sensitize Your Hands for Scanning –

      Spiritual Healing: LEVEL ONE: ELEMENTARY PRANIC ……/level-one-elementary-pranic-he…

      This may be confusing, but these are the sources that I’ve used to achieve telekinesis on a simple bases.

  11. Al

    Lol, looks like my method of resources works. KEEP IT UP MY TK FANS! TELEKINESIS LIVES!!!!

  12. Z

    Who knows, maybe its as easy as Wim Hofs discovery. The iceman can stand in ice for up to 80 minutes maybe even more his outer body cools down while his core stays the same, he taught a couple vice reporters the technique which was a breathing system and cold immersion. They were able to climb a polish mountain at -20 degrees in their shorts not to mention the guy has been under scientific study with 12 of his students and they were able to defeat an endotoxin which in normal conditions produces shivering, fever, nausea in normal people for up to 4 hours. While him and his team felt nothing.

    Look him up. He’s real and has science to prove it. He claims he can tap into the inner most part of the brain the very primitive brain and the vice documentary is here

    He climbed mount Everest in his shorts. If anyone is super human, he is. We all have that power in us.

    Maybe its the same for this kind of stuff. Who knows. Maybe all it takes is one person to find it and show the rest of us.

  13. SuperGadger

    Now come on, guys! Maybe you’ve got fairies living at the bottom of your garden and you believe in Ghosts, Flying Saucers, Astrology and God! – The ONLY proven phenomenon in which matter is influenced by consciousness, is reproduced via various physical variations of the Two Slit Experiment. In 1996, the James Randi Educational Foundation began offering a one million dollar prize to anyone able to prove they possess psychic powers. Need I write more?

    1. Dark Energy

      Just a bit bias dude…

  14. Thomas Greenwell

    We all have a telekinetic ability. It is simply a matter of developing and connecting with it. Even the Bible refers to this ability. It is a natural function of conciousness. There was a point in our evolution in which this phenomemon played a part in our survival.

  15. Albert Cano

    My dad was a rosicrucian and I study as a rosicrucian at 13 and learn mental telepathy and art of egyptian studies. My father hung a hat on the wall on a nail and knock the hand with his mind. I witness it not wires, just a nail in the wall. I use to get studies by mail and as I got more into it, I drop out. Telepathy and telekenistis is real I experience it. I also learn out of body experience

  16. Jenny

    I’ve been looking into this because of strange phenomena in my house, primarily things moving about on their own, usually when I have company. A relative pointed out last week that I’m always present, and the most common denominator. So I’ve been researching the possible connection between activity and a severe electrical shock I received at the age of ten, when I turned on a light switch with my other hand in a dish pan full of water. It was shortly after that it began, with a figurine sliding across a shelf and dropping slowly to the floor. I also have visions and dreams and know a lot of things ahead of time. None of it is fun. But it’s interesting to know it could be tied to the shock.

  17. Deadpool

    Just one thing belive those thing which others dont belive thats what make you unique make unreal real as i have saw people with telekinetic powers but they just dont want to expose it thats make them unique we belive those thing that are taught us from starting but we dont belive those which we have not seen

  18. Deadpool

    Telekinesis is basically a force in nature that is undectable as it is too weak to move objects but just like we do physical exercise to build our muscles and strength similar thig should be done to our mind to make this ability strong.

  19. A Fellow Human

    I can move water with my mind and it is also very windy around me when im angry.

    1. Dark Energy

      I doubt this, you word what you say like a child, and I feel like you’re excited just to tell people this. I can tell its a lie because that isn’t in depth enough and isn’t how this works.

  20. Dark Energy

    Psychic practices are not very often displayed in public. Most of the famous “psychics” that make themselves public to become famous are almost always fake. It can be confusing because our brains only work in so many ways. I do agree that illusion is a very strong talent and uses a good amount of knowledge and experience, but it is not usually psychic powers. Since many people thin k that that the practice of psychokinesis is some kind of malicious cult (known from experience, FBI was involved) people who actually work to be psychics do not make themselves public.

    1. Mike

      Edit: To be clear, I am not discrediting the idea of telekinesis. I simply fact-checked the article as I always do with these kinds of things, and was surprised to find that the dept ever existed in the first place. For 30 years mind you!!! However, I have yet to see real scientific proof of these events. And by his own words, 3 in 10,000 was the average variance from human interaction. That is hardly a change that can be attributed to human intervention alone. .03% of the time, the number generator varied from random results.

      1. Marvin Watson

        I just stumbled upon this article as I have experienced/witnessed startlingTelekinesis and premonition over the past several days. I have been suffering from severe pain and excessive stress after numerous medical procedures to relieve such… and started investigating the things I’ve seen happen. I’m not some nut, am an educated Botanist, believe we are not alone in the universe and live with an open mind re topics others are afraid to admit their interest. Such as the posibilities re the Hopi and Navajo ancestral beliefs. The mind ….. The Spirit …. Powered by electrical pulse and am increasingly interested in futher research of this topic!

  21. RJ Smith

    I’ve only recently discovered the Learning Mind and am intrigued by some of the posts I’ve come across. Like this one. Telekinesis/psychokinesis? For many years, I scoffed at the notion. My mindset was that I needed hard science to prove it. Until one day I experienced one of the most shocking events of my life. I was party to what I can only describe as telekinetic or psychokinetic event. And I’m not a nut or fraud, I’m a computer scientist with 18 years of experience developing and testing software. I’m hesitant to tell my story because I don’t want to hear about how it’s ridiculous, impossible, unprovable etc. I once stood in that corner and nothing short of what happened to me could’ve ever changed my mind. My experience took place at work during a phase of my life when I was razor sharp and at the very top of my professional game. In the middle of the day on a moving elevator. I locked myself in my office afterwards for about 30 minutes to reflect upon what happened during that elevator ride. To stare at and hold an object that I carried out of that elevator, something I didn’t bring into that elevator. Then I went back to work. I’ve documented what transpired, but have only shared the details with a few family members. I can’t and never will be able to prove or explain what happened, but I know it happened. I’m a believer. 100%.

  22. leo

    I do it by first activating this strange feeling, sort of like magnetic feeling in the middle of my head. Then once I got that feeling cooking & warmed up I keep it activated & at the same time imagine want I want it to do.

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