What secrets does the human brain hide? Latest discoveries in neuroscience & cognitive science and unbelievable facts about the human brain

5 Benefits of Handwriting Compared to Typing, According to Science

In the modern world, the prominence of smartphones, tablets, and computers means that we communicate via typing rather than the written word. The art of writing by hand is fast becoming a tradition of the past. Yet, according to science, handwriting benefits our brain in multiple ways. In this post,…

Do Binaural Beats Work? Here Is What Science Has to Say

As humans who suffer from a multitude of disorders, we look for cures that are effective. So do binaural beats work? Being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder among other things, I’ve tried many so-called solutions and medications to improve my quality of life. I also tried yoga, nature walks, prayer,…

Why Depth Perception Is Important and How to Improve It with 4 Exercises

Proper eyesight is something we take for granted, but if you've been having trouble with your eyes, it may be because of depth perception. Without proper depth perception, navigating through the world each day becomes a real challenge. This goes beyond the quality of your vision, as it's crucial for…

The Rosenhan Experiment That Shattered the Boundaries of Sanity

In 1973, David Rosenhan published a psychological paper titled “On Being Sane in Insane Places”. This study became known famously as the Rosenhan Experiment. He wanted to discover whether medical professionals could really tell the difference between the sane and the insane. His research sent shockwaves through the psychiatry community…