Top 7 Most Toxic Relationship Patterns You Want to Avoid

Toxic relationship patterns differ from toxic actions. These repetitive behaviors are present in unhealthy relationships, and the patterns reveal truths. The toxic personality is a complex entity on its own, presenting various negative behaviors. When operating within a relationship, this personality style is amplified. Repeated toxic behavior reinforces control, power,…

10 Subtle Signs Someone Is Jealous of You (and You Don’t Even Realize It) 

William Shakespeare described jealousy as a ‘green-eyed monster’, and for good reason. Jealousy ruins friendships and intimate relationships. It leaves the jealous unfulfilled with their life and resentful towards others. Jealousy is coveting things other people have; things you think you deserve. The fact others have these things makes your…

11 Things That Happen When You Discard the Narcissist First  

Narcissists only think of one thing: themselves. But no relationship can survive such a one-sided and selfish partnership, so narcissists must resort to manipulation tactics such as gaslighting and pathological lying to maintain the facade. However, there comes a time when their partner realizes they’re in a toxic relationship and…

9 Spiritual Signs You Met Your Soulmate (and What You Should Do!)

Are you wondering if you’ve met your soulmate? If you’re reading this article, I’m guessing you are. So, what’s been happening to make you wonder? Are you noticing weird coincidences? Is there someone you’re drawn to? In this article, I’ve compiled a list of 9 spiritual signs you met your…

What Is Enmeshment Trauma Abuse? 6 Signs You Have Endured it

Enmeshment describes a blurring of roles within family relationships. Families should have clear roles such as caregiver, dependent, or the oldest/youngest child. Enmeshment trauma abuse occurs when these roles become blurred. Examples include children assuming a parental role, or parents acting as their child’s friend. The problem with unclear parental…

13 Signs an Avoidant Loves You (How to Decode Avoidant Behavior)

People with an avoidant personality yearn for love. However, their fear of abandonment often sabotages potential relationships. That’s not to say they can’t love. With an understanding partner, they can learn to trust, allowing themselves to open up and commit. That being said, could you spot the signs an avoidant…