10 Contradictory Traits of Creative People

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is a psychology professor whose book Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention, written after many years of research on the subject, describes the creative process from a psychological standpoint. The author emphasizes the contradiction between the traits of creative people. 10 Contradictory Traits of Creative…

9 Things That Enhance Your Brain Function

We all know that things like solving puzzles, healthy nutrition, and exercise enhance our brain function. But what about some less obvious ones? 9 Things That Enhance Your Brain Function 1. Specific goals Once you articulate a specific goal or a task for yourself, wonderful things will start happening. You…

Asteroid Impact Could Have Given Rise to Civilization 13,000 Years Ago

It turns out that the collision with heavenly bodies such as an asteroid impact does not always lead only to the destruction of life but might also have positive consequences. Scientists believe that the defining moment in human evolution could be an asteroid that crashed into North America, in a…

5 Things in Your Everyday Life That Are Slowly Killing Your Intelligence

Did you know that certain things you come in contact with in your everyday life are slowly killing your intelligence by deteriorating your cognitive performance? Sometimes, we don't realize how harmful our habits may be. You have already worked a lot to increase your intelligence and this is something you…

10 Key Skills of Successful People

If we note the behavior of many successful people in business, economics, politics, or personal development, you will find out that there are at least 10 key skills possessed by all these individuals. 10 Key Skills of Successful People 1. Critical thinking All successful people have a powerful skill of…