What Is Synchronicity and How to Recognize the Signs of It in Your Life

What is synchronicity? The term synchronicity (syn = with, chronos = time) was chosen by the psychotherapist Jung to describe the simultaneous occurrence of events (or coincidences) which apparently have no clear cause, but are deeply meaningful. Some would say that coincidences are random, but if we look carefully into…

7 Struggles Only Highly Intelligent People Will Understand (and How to Overcome Them)

Being smart has huge benefits, but it isn’t always easy. Here are seven problems highly intelligent people often have and a few ways to overcome them. 1. Highly intelligent people can be under more pressure to achieve success For people who have always done well academically, there can be huge…

10 Diversion Tactics Manipulative People Use to Silence You

Many times people who were in a relationship with manipulative people did not realise it until they left it. Only then, when they looked back objectively, did it become clear the extent of how much they had been degraded. This is because we try to make sense of manipulative people,…