How to Use Transtheoretical Model to Change Your Negative Behaviours

The transtheoretical model of behaviour is a new theory that is being applied to many aspects of therapy. This behaviour model looks into new techniques someone has learned within a controlled environment. It then assesses whether or not they are prepared to use that technique in their everyday lives. The…

8 Decision-Making Biases That Affect Your Choices Without You Even Knowing

Cognitive biases can affect our decision-making abilities even when we are not aware of them. Even when we are fully thinking through a decision, these biases can affect our choices and limit the options we pick from. We are constantly making decisions throughout the day, in work, at home, and…

5 Signs Your High Sensitivity Is Turning You into a Manipulator

If you have a high sensitivity to many things in life, then be careful. Your sensitivities can turn you into a  manipulative person, if not checked. Having a high sensitivity can mean many things. Being more sensitive can mean you see things that others don’t and you feel on a…

Why You Need Assertiveness Skills and 5 Ways to Develop Them

Do you lack assertiveness skills? Do you know of a situation where assertiveness skills would have come in handy? You’re not alone! We’ve probably all had experience of a situation where assertiveness skills were useful. Perhaps you’ve put yourself out and ended up getting hurt because you didn’t want to upset…