The Asch Experiment and the Uncomfortable Truth It Reveals about Human Nature

The Asch experiment reveals the true power of conformity. In fact, you might just see yourself in a whole new light! If you’ve ever wondered how your opinions can influence people, as well as how others can influence you, the Asch experiment is worth reading about in more detail. One…

How to Find Your Child’s Temperament Type and Parent Them Accordingly

The temperament is a set of characteristics and qualities a person exhibits on a daily basis, starting with early childhood. How to find your child's temperament type and how will it help you parent them? There are seven major characteristics making up temperament in children: activity level, approachability, adaptability, mood,…

6 Subtle Ways Children of Divorced Parents Struggle Later in Life

Divorce is difficult for all involved, especially offspring. Children of divorced parents sometimes endure struggles far into adulthood. I've been divorced and I understand how it affected my own children. I’ve also watched my younger cousins move from home to home during their parent’s divorce as well. Children of divorced…

4 Unexpected Effects of Video Games That May Surprise You

It’s easy to make assumptions about the effects of video games. I mean, it makes sense to think that violent video games lead to higher rates of violence in real life. The reality, however, could be much simpler. For example, maybe aggressive people are simply drawn to violent video games?…