What Is Primacy Effect and How It Messes with Your Memory & Perception

Ever wondered why you remember some things and other things are quickly forgotten? Well, this could be due to the primacy effect. The science behind the primacy effect is simple yet complicated to navigate. I’ve recognized the characteristics of this effect many times in my life. This curious state of…

7 Profound Lessons Eastern Philosophy Teaches Us about Life

Eastern philosophy does not differ from other philosophic teachings in its overall objective. This is to teach us to be wiser individuals and to ultimately provide guidance as to how to live well. Therefore, Eastern philosophical ideas are no different from Western philosophy is this sense. The distinction lies in…

Karl Marx’s Conflict Theory and What It Reveals about Today’s Society

Brexit has caused deep divisions in households in the UK. In France, the ‘gilets jaunes’ are threatening to bring the country to a standstill over rising fuel costs. Can conflict theory help us understand why? If you’ve noticed that the world seems to be getting a lot less tolerant these…

How to Practice Self-Forgiveness When You Are Too Hard on Yourself

We must forgive others and sometimes we must practice self-forgiveness. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. Feeling bad for doing something wrong is normal. We should seek forgiveness when we’ve made mistakes or even been purposely cruel in the past. However, dragging yourself through the mud for a…

4 Signs of Overconfidence Bias and How It Affects You Judgement

Overconfidence bias is something we are all guilty of and we may not even realize how much it affects our judgment. What is overconfidence bias? Overconfidence bias, or the overconfidence effect, is a bias established in a person’s subjective confidence of their judgments. As a result, that person will consider…