6 Reasons You Are Feeling Unappreciated in a Relationship

Let me say, first off, that you’re a valuable person. So, if you’re feeling unappreciated, don’t let this damage your self-worth. So many times, I’ve felt unappreciated. Unfortunately, when I tried to heal from this damage, I went too far the other way. Before I realized what was happening, I…

15 Words Shakespeare Invented & You Are Still Using Them

I remember reading Macbeth at school and being instantly beguiled. Here was a world rich with layered meaning, coloured by vivid metaphors and expertly finessed into a captivating moral story. But I didn’t realise at that young age there were words Shakespeare invented that we still use today. I’m not…

6 Signs of Self-Absorbed People: Is This You?

The funny thing about self-absorbed people is they often are not even aware of their disposition. But, they are recognized by their traits. We go through this world encountering all sorts of people. And we question many parts of their personality, finding some of these traits rather strange. For instance,…