As you already know, the human mind is a very interesting thing. Here are some amazing facts about the brain backed by studies.

While you utilize your brain on a daily basis, you must remember that the human brain is not fully understood. A significant amount of research has been put into this specific subject, but the brain is still a little bit of a mystery to researchers and scientists. At the same time, the facts we already know about the human mind are absolutely fascinating.

Sometimes when you don’t notice, your brain takes on certain characteristics that you are unaware of. Although many studies show us the ways our minds work, sometimes the brain can surprise us.

This article will reveal some of the most amazing facts about the brain, backed by recent studies.

Here are a few facts about the human brain that demonstrate the hidden characteristics of our most important organ.

1. Its Weight and Consumption

Have you ever felt like your head was heavy? Perhaps you just had a headache? Most people are unaware of the fact that the human brain is actually fairly heavy and it requires a lot to keep it functioning efficiently throughout the day.

On average, the brain makes up roughly two centers of the body’s total weight. On top of that, the brain uses approximately twenty percent of the body’s oxygen and energy intake. It is a very demanding organ.

2. Made Up Of Mostly Water

You probably already know that the human body contains an immense amount of water. The human brain is no different. It is roughly made of 73 percent water, and this is another one on our list of amazing facts about the brain.

It is also important to remember that the brain needs water to remain fully functional. Just two percent of dehydration can have a negative impact on your cognitive functions, memory, and your attention.

If you begin feeling awkward or forgetful, you might be suffering from dehydration. Grab a cup of water to offset the problem.

3. The Brain Is Very Powerful

You shouldn’t be surprised to learn that the brain is immensely powerful. Nevertheless, you probably do not fully understand just how powerful it is. It is estimated that information inside of the brain travels around faster than 260 miles per hour. That is far faster than an average Formula 1 race car.

At the same time, each brain is capable of generating roughly 12 to 25 watts of electricity. With that much power, you can light up a low-watt LED bulb.

4. The Brain Grows Over Time

While you’re at it, you should realize that the brain is not at full size when you’re first introduced into the world. In fact, babies are born with bigger heads to ensure they’re able to accommodate their rapidly growing brains. A teenage brain is not fully formed during the teenage years. The brain only reaches its full size and maturity around the age of 25.

5. Male Brains Are Bigger

There is a big debate regarding the intelligence of men and women. While it may not make a difference, it is a scientific fact that men have bigger brains. On average, a man’s brain will be roughly 10 percent bigger than a woman’s.

However, this is not true with all parts of the brain. Women sometimes have a bigger hippocampus, which is responsible for normal memory functions. Therefore, men might have bigger brains, but women could have far better memories.

6. Made Mostly of Non-Neuron Cells

Believe it or not, the brain is mostly made up of non-neuron cells. Roughly ten percent of the human brain is made of neurons. The remaining ninety percent is basically glial cells.

And of course, glial cells are responsible for performing a wide range of activities. They clean up excess transmissions and also help with synaptic growth. These cells also support neurons by providing them with nutrition and support.

There are many different types of glial cells that make up the human brain. They include radial glial, satellite cells, Schwann cells, and even microglia. On average, there are ten to fifty times more glial cells than neurons inside the human brain.

7. Can Form New Cells

There is often a misconception that the brain is unable to develop and build new cells. This isn’t actually true. In reality, the brain is capable of forming new cells. In fact, it will continue building new cells even in adulthood.

In the past, scientists believed that the brain was set in stone from childhood. Today, neuroscientists believe that the brain consistently changes throughout the individual’s life. And, it is capable of forming new cells and connections from start to finish.

8. Short-Term Memory Capacity

There are three different types of memory: long-term, sensory, and short-term. Long-term memory is very similar to having a filing cabinet inside your mind. Short-term memory can act as little sticky notes that you put on your wall that you generally won’t remember. Your short-term memory generally holds from five to nine things at a time.

9. Smarter Subconscious

There was once a study in which researchers placed a square to an area on a computer monitor through a pattern. After people saw it, they began to have a better chance of picking the location of the square’s next location. When given a brief amount of time, no one could consciously figure out the pattern.

10. Highly Visible Color

The chartreuse (yellow-green) is the center of frequencies of light we can see. We are able to recognize these receptors easier than the remainder receptors we have such as blue, green, and red.

11. Two Nervous Systems

There are two nervous systems of the brain. One contains the functionality of excitation while the other controls inhibition. Have you ever noticed a slight shaking in your hand at times? This is your two nervous systems spontaneously reacting in different characteristics.

12. Replay

Sensory memory is one of our different types of memory. It is the form of memory that allows us to visually remember things often acting like a replay. It works with your hearing and your vision which allows your thalamus to resend projections moments after they were sent.

Your brain can be focused on something such as television, but you can recognize other signals of importance such as your name being called or someone talking about something important to you. Without this form of memory, you would not be able to multitask.

13. Sleep Deactivates Long-Term Memory

Transferring information into your long-term memory deactivates while you sleep. Have you ever had problems remembering something you dreamed about? It is because dreams aren’t added to your long-term memory. There have been numerous occasions where I would wake up and only remember segments of what I actually dreamed or none at all.

14. Depth Perception

Most depth perception you have comes from inside your brain. This is how we can see things in sections or able to tell how far or close something is from us.

15. You Don’t Have Good Memory

Studies have displayed to us that we are not likely to remember past events and furthermore, we might say that they never even took place. In fact, is easier to say something happened that never did versus remembering an event that actually took place.

Your Brain Is Amazing!

These are only a few of the numerous amazing facts about the brain which remind us what an incredible and powerful organ it is!

Some of these facts might be more obvious than others, but the only thing is clear: your brain is very significant, and the way it perceives things is amazing. At times, it can play games on you and you might find yourself asking: How come I didn’t remember that or how come I didn’t realize when it was taking place?

The brain is one of the most interesting and complex parts of our body. I bet that some curious facts about the brain above have surprised you.

What other interesting brain facts could fit this list? Please share your suggestions in the comment section below.

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