Which Mix of the Big Five Personality Traits Are You?

All of us have different personalities. However, psychologists believe that all of our personalities are actually a mixture of Big Five personality traits. The theory suggests that everyone has these key traits. However, each individual has a different amount of each. The traits work on a sliding scale with, for example,…

The Longest Night of the Year and the Spiritual Meaning of Winter Solstice

The longest night of the year is traditionally a time of spiritual significance when we can reflect, restore and find spiritual guidance for our lives. At the Winter Solstice, the sun is at its lowest point in the sky. On this, year's longest night, dormancy, darkness and cold reign. However,…

What It Feels Like to Be a Spiritual Empath in the Modern World

As a spiritual empath, you may be distressed by the troubles of the modern world. However, it is possible to find the love and community you long for. Spiritual empaths need to protect themselves from the negativity around them because they are easily overwhelmed. However, distancing ourselves from the reality…

Learning to Be Alone in a World of Constant Connection

Want to be more productive, focused and creative? Learning to be alone could be the answer - but ditch the cell phone first. There is no doubt that technology can be a useful thing. However, there are drawbacks to constant connectivity, one of which is that we are never really…