7 Motivational Words That Have a Powerful Effect on the Brain

The words we use can have a powerful effect on our own behaviour and the reactions we get from others. Using motivational words can make a huge difference in our lives. Words really do matter. The language we use shapes the way we see the world and the words we…

20 Positive Affirmations to Say to Yourself Every Day

Positive affirmations aren’t just woo-woo nonsense. They really can change your brain and your life in powerful ways. Here is how. How do affirmations work? Our brains are bombarded with information from our senses all of the time. Out of necessity, we filter out much of this information and only…

Everything Is Energy and Science Hints at It – Here Is How

Many spiritual traditions have viewed everything in the universe as part of an interconnected web of energy. Now, certain scientific ideas hint that everything is energy. Throughout history, humans have believed in various religious and spiritual traditions. Many of these beliefs include an element of the unseen, something more than…

How to Tell If Someone Is Lying with These 10 Science-Backed Hacks

Researchers studying lying and deception have discovered several tell-tale signs that make it possible to tell when someone is lying. On their own, some of these signs are not too much to worry about. They can sometimes be for completely different reasons and not a tell that the person you…