How to Stop Procrastinating with These 12 Science-Backed Hacks

Procrastination can sabotage our goals, destroy our confidence and cause stress. Luckily, there are techniques that can help us stop procrastinating and get things done. The proverb 'procrastination is the thief of time' is unfortunately only too true for many of us. We know that procrastination can cause us stress…

What Is Introverted Intuition and How to Use Its Power to the Fullest

If your dominant cognitive function is Introverted Intuition, you have gifts and powers that can improve your life and make a difference in the world. What is introverted intuition? The “N” in INFJ, INFP, INTP, and INTJ personality types stands for iNtuition. This means that these personality types gather and process information primarily…

When You Have a Negative Gut Reaction to These 6 Things, Don’t Ignore It

There are times when it’s good to make rational decisions. But when you have a gut reaction to certain people and situations, you shouldn’t ignore it. A gut instint can give us more information than we think. We sometimes react to information from the senses before our logical minds even…

7 Cynical George Carlin Quotes That Will Make You Laugh and Think

George Carlin shows us the power of humor to overcome complacency, shift our thinking and change the world, as we can see from the quotes below. George Carlin was an American comedian, actor, and author. His humor covered subjects including politics, psychology, and religion. He didn’t shy away from difficult…