9 Philosophical Quotes That Offer Profound Insights about Life

It’s like trying to explain love, the idea of philosophy, and thinking about thought. These philosophical quotes will indeed shed light on life and meaning. Although I never understood the term for it, when I sat for hours contemplating existence, I was caught in the realms of philosophical thought. I…

What Is Family Manipulation and How to Recognize Its Warning Signs

Does family manipulation sound like a new thing? You may be surprised to learn that manipulation can come from anyone – be it, partners, mothers or fathers… even siblings. Partner manipulation has become pretty common. Many people have managed to get away from this sort of abusive relationship. However, manipulation…

Dealing with Social Anxiety in a Social Situation: What It’s Like and How to Cope

Dealing with social anxiety is never easy - you feel as if you’re in a spotlight all the time. What makes it worse is most people don’t understand, and thus cannot offer help. Being nervous is normal, but dealing with social anxiety is not. Everyone gets scared from time to…

12 Meaning of Life Quotes to Help You Find Your True Purpose

Most of us have wondered why we’re alive. We sit and ponder this feeling, asking others and seeking spiritual answers. Sometimes, only a few meaning of life quotes can answer those questions. It wasn’t long, after childhood, that I started to question my existence. I cannot say that others were doing…

7 Feeling Lonely Quotes That Give a True Definition of Loneliness

Being alone and feeling lonely are two different things, and the below quotes explain the depths of true loneliness and despair. I’ve been in a house full of people at times and I have been alone for days, even weeks on other occasions. What I have found is that loneliness…

You Were Raised by Narcissists If You Can Relate to These 9 Things

Most people have no clue that they were raised by narcissists. In fact, many of the traits that develop from such a childhood often get misunderstood as isolated character traits. Let’s pretend we’re traveling in time, back to the 70s, 80s or 90s. In other words, let’s visit your childhood.…