True artificial intelligence is on the horizon, it seems.
Human brain cells, memory cells to be exact, are being tweaked and improved to create an intelligence like never seen before. Scientists are almost there on the road to the real ‘bionic brain’.
The key to artificial intelligence is the electronic long-term memory cell. This cell can copy the workings of the human brain.
Dr. Sumeet Walia told the Australian Broadcasting Company (ABC):
“An electronic cell would create artificial intelligence. We are looking at robots that behave like human beings. That’s what this means. Once we are able to mimic memory storage, we can develop storage for a whole area of artificial networks.”
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) researchers have developed the world’s first multi-state memory cell. This cell mirrors the brain’s ability to store and process information.
Scientists say the cell is 10,000 times thinner than a human hair follicle.
This structure is based on a previous device, created last year by RMIT researchers-a nanometer- thin stacked memory structure, made from functional oxide
This discovery was published in the Science Journal Advanced Functional Materials.
This nano cell is analog, which means it can store information in multiple steps. Current cells only store in binary sequences. What a difference! Instead of storing basic digital memories, stored as 0s and 1s, these new devices have the ability to retain previous information. This is the ‘wow’ factor.
Dr. Nili said:
“We now have controlled defects in the oxide materials. Metallic atoms release the full potential of the ‘memristive’ effect-past experiences influence the memory elements behavior.”
The creation of the bionic brain has many positive advantages. One of the most important uses will be directed toward finding cures for neurological diseases.
Nili told the Australian Broadcasting Company (ABC):
“Copying the brain structure outside the human body can provide a look into disorders of the mammalian brain. This study can affect those with Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease.”
Project leader and co-leader of the RMIT Functional Materials and Microsystems Research Group, Dr. Sharath Sriram, said:
“This is the closest thing to creating a ‘brain-like’ system that stores and learns analog information and quick at retrieving said information.”
Dr. Hussein Nili, lead author of the study, said:
“This is a major step in re-creating the human brain. This is observed best when compared to an old camera which shoots only black and white pictures. Instead of black and white memories, we now have color, shade and texture.”
Artificial intelligence is just around the corner.
The bionic brain, unlike the human brain, will be limitless and immortal. Forever providing insight into the way the human being functions. Are we men or are we Gods… you decide.
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