Are you looking for some food for thought? Intriguing theories and ideas, thought-provoking questions, books, and quotes to entertain your mind with

Why Kant’s Philosophy Is Extremely Relevant to Modern Society

What can Kant's philosophy offer to modern people? The answer is: surprisingly much. Immanuel Kant was born in 1724 in Königsberg, Prussia. His philosophical ideas thrived during the enlightenment period. This was an intellectual and philosophical movement that swept across Europe in the 18th century. A major component of this…

10 Marcus Aurelius Quotes That Are Still Relevant Today

Marcus Aurelius' quotes may be from the time of Ancient Rome, but they are still relevant today. Who was Marcus Aurelius? He was a Roman emperor between 161 to 180. He was known as the last of the Five Good Emperors. Marcus Aurelius' personal philosophical writings, now known as his…

14 Profound Alice in Wonderland Quotes That Reveal Deep Life Truths

These Alice in Wonderland quotes are just what you need. Lewis Carroll's masterpiece can help you through troubled times while giving you a sense of whimsical encouragement. I love quotes. Positive statements have the power to reach you when other things may not work. To add a bit of magic…

7 Ridiculous Social Expectations We Face Today and How to Free Yourself

Life presents expected things in the social context. However, there are many ridiculous social expectations which can and should be ignored. Social expectations can be seen in situations like being quiet at the movies, being polite, and opening doors for others. These are seen as positive and considerate. Now, I…

Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations: 10 Lessons to Learn from This 2000-Year-Old Book

Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations is a powerful book that has stood the test of time. It can provide deeply helpful and important lessons to us all. However, before we discuss these lessons, we should recognise who the author was. Marcus Aurelius (121-180AD), also known as ‘the Philosopher’, was Roman emperor from…

4 Famous French Philosophers and What We Can Learn from Them

There are certain French philosophers whose ideas can provide valuable and critical insight into our lives and society today. They were highly influential in western philosophical thought, and are widely considered to be some of the greatest French thinkers of all time. The philosophers in question have similarities in their…