Are you looking for some food for thought? Intriguing theories and ideas, thought-provoking questions, books, and quotes to entertain your mind with

Comic Captures What the World Is Like for Socially Anxious People

Like most mental disorders, social anxiety can alter your perception of reality, yourself and others. As a result, social situations make you feel extremely uncomfortable and sometimes even panicked. Whatever involves the interaction with other people, from making a phone call to saying ‘hi’ to your neighbors, scares you like…

Why Souls Come Back: a Study of Reincarnation

What is déjà vu? Some believe it’s an echo of recognition resonating through the curtain that separates one incarnation from another. For one brief moment, two separate but interconnected lives make contact through a flicker of metaphysical commonality. Maybe that’s true; maybe it isn’t. But a recent article in Learning-Mind…

Mind-Bending Landscapes and Unimaginable Creatures by Surrealist Painter Jacek Yerka

Surrealist painter Jacek Yerka creates unique artworks based on allegories and symbols. Flying houses and buildings, colorful gardens, trees and cottages are skillfully combined in unique paintings that captivate the viewers and reveal the artist's vivid imagination. Jacek Yerka was born in Torun, a city in Northern Poland, in 1952.…

What If We Live in a Matrix and Reality Is a Computer Program?

Patterns and coincidences occur around us every day. We notice them in things like the flower of life and the golden ratio. Numbers and sequences are found all over in life, and mathematics is considered the only consistent global language, because, as engineers will all say, the numbers never lie.…

This Funny Comic Perfectly Captures How Social Anxiety Feels

Social anxiety can be tough. It makes you feel confused, frightened, and uncomfortable even in the simplest everyday situations that involve dealing with other people. If you struggle with this condition, you know exactly how social anxiety feels. Making a phone call, using public transport, or asking for directions can…

Top 5 Books on Business Psychology That Will Help You Achieve Success

In the competitive world of entrepreneurs and startups jockeying for position with an established business, it is more crucial now than ever to get a leg up on those vying for your would-be customers. One crucial aspect of accomplishing this is to understand the psychology behind running a motivated crew…