A healthy mind in a healthy body: mental health problems and solutions, scientific findings, and interesting facts on psychology and mental health. Incredible hypotheses about the human conscious and subconscious mind.

10 Symbols in Dreams That Reveal Important Things about You and Your Life

Have you ever thought about the dreaming process in a detailed manner? If not, then maybe it's a good idea to start to because dreams have a huge role to play and can reveal many important things about yourself. In fact, every person on earth experiences a phenomenon of dreaming…

What Your Eye Contact Says about You in a Conversation (and How to Master It)

Your eye contact says a lot of things about you in a conversation. You’re talking to someone. They keep looking over your shoulder. They’re clearly not listening to you. In fact, you suspect they’re scanning the room to see if there’s anyone more interesting to talk to. Ouch. How does…

Science Reveals How to Treat Anxiety with Positive Thinking

If you have ever suffered from anxiety it is likely that you felt helpless and that the anxious feelings you experienced were totally out of your control. It is also possible that you relied on some sort of medication or a form of counselling to treat anxiety. It is very…

How Freudian Theory Gave a Start to the Manipulation of the Masses

Freudian theory has made more impact on our lives today than you could imagine. Read on to learn how his ideas were used for the manipulation of the masses. In the early 1900s, Sigmund Freud formulated his theories on psychodynamics that have led to controversies around the world. While many…

7 Unexpected Signs You Might Be a Genius (Backed by Science)

People often throw around the term ‘genius’ when it comes to intelligence, but the way we understand this word is now always correct. There are plenty of signs you didn't realise could mean that you might actually be a genius, as proved by science. 1. If you like to stay…

Study Shows Why Intelligent People Are More Likely to Get Distracted at Work

If you find it difficult to focus at work and often get distracted by things around you, there’s good news. Whilst it may feel as though getting frequently distracted is a bad thing, it can actually mean that you are more intelligent than those who don’t get distracted, a new…

Things You Should Never Say to Someone Who Is Grieving (and What to Say Instead)

When someone close to you is grieving, you have to be very careful what you say to them. I lost my partner two years ago and amongst the obvious grief that I felt, what made it worse was some of the comments I received during those two years. My boyfriend…