Learn how to use the potential of your brain: strategies to boost your brain power and cognitive functions such as memory, problem-solving, and focus

When You Have a Negative Gut Reaction to These 6 Things, Don’t Ignore It

There are times when it’s good to make rational decisions. But when you have a gut reaction to certain people and situations, you shouldn’t ignore it. A gut instint can give us more information than we think. We sometimes react to information from the senses before our logical minds even…

5 Brain Research Misconceptions That You Probably Still Believe

Brain research aims to study the human brain’s functions and potential. Yet, its results are often misinterpreted into popular self-help tips which don’t work. The multi-billion dollar self-help and personal development industry can be seen as a testament to our collective search for escape, meaning and transcendence in an otherwise…

What Are Automatic Negative Thoughts and How to Deal with Them

I have dealt with anxiety and panic attacks for most of my life, but it is only recently that I have realized how automatic negative thoughts nurture this anxious state of mind. Automatic negative thoughts don’t just affect those who suffer from panic and anxiety, they are typically associated with…

How a Good Night’s Sleep Is Crucial for Mental Health and Cognitive Performance

Multiple studies show that good night’s sleep is essential for maintaining one’s mental health and cognitive functions in shape. It used to be that sleeping was associated with weakness or attributed to being boring. How many times have you heard the sayings, "sleep is for the weak" or "I'll sleep…

7 Distorted Thinking Traps That Even Intelligent People Fall into

We may think we are rational human beings, but actually, we are often swayed by distorted thinking patterns called cognitive biases. Our brains are complicated. We may think that we are always rational and make the best decisions based on available evidence. However, our thinking processes can sometimes be led…

How to Improve Your Critical Thinking Skills with These 8 Strategies

Our modern education system doesn't aim to develop one's critical thinking skills, but quite the opposite. These science-backed strategies will help you enhance yours. Critical thinking (CT) involves an objective analysis of a situation by way of collecting information from sources that are available to you and then making an…