What should you do to become successful? Learn self-improvement tips to develop skills, attitudes, and qualities that will bring you closer to success.

What Is an Autotelic and How to Recognize If This Is You

Autotelic is derived from the Greek words “auto,” meaning self, and “telos,” meaning goal. It is the belief that any action has its own meaning and purpose within itself. An autotelic sees the world in a different way. Instead of being driven be external world rewards, such as money or…

How to Improve Your Nonverbal Communication Skills: Step-by-Step Guide

Nonverbal communication is one of the most important aspects of the way that we deal with people. In fact, only part of our communication is verbal. A large part of communication is nonverbal, associated with our actions and body language. But despite this, many people focus purely on improving the…

5 Warning Signs That Your Personal Growth Has Stopped (and What to Do)

As people, we are constantly growing. Even when our bodies have stopped, our minds, personalities and general personal growth are developing all the time. Yet sometimes, this growth can ground to a halt and we can find ourselves feeling lost and unsure. There are five tell-tale signs that your personal…

14 Ways Creative Minds Think Differently Than Everyone Else

Neuroscience has proven that people with particularly creative minds have brains that are wired differently to those of less creative types. Science cannot yet explain exactly how all these processes work, however, creativity is believed to involve several cognitive processes. It is hard to say what specific behaviors are related…

Analysis Paralysis or Why Even the Brightest People Live Miserable Lives

Intelligent people are particularly prone to overthinking that can cause analysis paralysis and lead to a failure to make decisions or take action. What is analysis paralysis? It happens when we overthink things to such a degree that we are unable to make a decision or take action. We can…

How to Master Difficult Conversations with These Science-Backed Methods

Everyone dreads difficult conversations. However, science can offer us some good tactics for dealing with them and achieving a great outcome. Sometimes we have to have challenging conversations we would rather not have. They may be with a colleague, lover, neighbor or child. Something needs to be expressed, but we…