Everything about our beautiful planet: interesting facts, scientific discoveries, and thought-provoking theories about the past and the future of Earth.

What Will the Earth Look Like in Millions of Years?

What could the Earth look like in millions of years if human civilization is wiped out? Human civilization is developing very fast. Only five thousand years ago, the first nodular writing was introduced, and today, we have learned to share terabytes of information at light speed. And the pace of…

Did Earthly Life Emerge Before the Earth Was Formed?

Geneticist Alexei Sharov of the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore together with biologist Richard Gordon of the Gulf Specimen Marine Laboratory in Florida managed to apply Moore's Law to biological systems. And the scientist got sensational results: it is possible that life did not originate on Earth but in…

5 Reasons Not to Worry about What Will Happen on December 21, 2012

People who love all kinds of conspiracy theories tend to believe that the heads of governments, along with the senior officials and the richest people of the world know something that "mere mortals" do not know. These kinds of people worry in particular about what will happen on December 21,…