The future is already here! Impressive inventions and incredible advances in modern technology that bring humanity closer to the futuristic world.

Information and Your Brain: Does Technology Impact the Way Your Brain Values Information?

Ah, technology! A modern wonder! Technology certainly makes our lives easier and saves us time on many levels with all of the nifty smartphones, apps, programs, and not to mention the internet! But what is all of this convenience doing to our brains? My husband, tech guy extraordinaire, approached me…

How Will the World Change by 2025?

Having analyzed huge volumes of data regarding the scientific studies and patent applications, the company Thomson Reuters, a child agency of Reuters, came up with a list of ten innovations that promise to dramatically change the planet by 2025. Intellectual Property and Science Department of the company initially identified ten…

Electrical Brain Stimulation: Shocking Ourselves into Greatness

I heard an interesting podcast episode the other day from Radio Labs. It was called 9 volt Nirvana, and the guest Sally Adee spoke about a simulation training exercise used by DARPA. She was asked to aim, shoot, reload and continue on as a sniper for 20 minutes in this…

The Dawn of Artificial Intelligence in the Modern World

Technology has developed through the implementation of innovative ideas to supplement outdated methods of approaching technical problems. This has played a great part in saving time, costs, and promoting the overall production in the manufacturing industries. Reflecting on the definition, it is agreeable that artificial intelligence (A.I.) is the intelligence…

5 Incredible Medical Technologies Available Today

While everyone marvels over the Internet and mobile device technology, medical breakthroughs are happening nearly as fast. In fact, it's quite common for most technologies to be adapted to service other practical functions in various devices. It's a cohesive development as one improvement for a specific use is augmented to…

Scientists Managed to Teleport Data over Three Meters with 100% Accuracy

  Dutch scientists achieved accurate teleportation of quantum information over a distance of three meters. This is a great achievement but is still far from the famous phrase "Beam me up, Scotty!" from Star Trek where people were teleported into space. However, it is another step in this direction. Many…