Uncommon science: eye-opening scientific findings and impressive technological advances. Interesting facts and thought-provoking theories about Human, Earth and the Universe

Lucid Dreaming Makes It Possible to Develop Skills While Sleeping!

Lucid dreaming does much more than stimulate your senses, it can help you develop new skills as well. If you consider sleeping a waste of time, get ready to change your mind. According to recent research at Yale University, people who are capable of lucid dreaming, which is a type of sleep…

Scientists Created a Device That Makes Time Disappear

New thought-provoking research not only demonstrates impressive technology but also points out the subjectivity of our perception. US scientists claim to have created a device that can hide the whole events from a person, essentially making the time disappear. This is, without doubt, very promising technology and in the future,…

Stephen Hawking: “If Aliens Exist, We Should Avoid Them”

Famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking once again has caught the attention of the international community with a statement that if aliens exist (and they probably do), then humanity should not attempt to contact them. Confined to a wheelchair due to a neurological disease known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the astrophysicist made…

Scientists Read the Inner Dialogue of the Human Mind

American researchers were able to "read" the inner dialogue in the human brain! The new mind-reading achievement could someday give the ability to talk to people who currently live in "silence" due to illness or injury. Scientists from the Center for Innovation in Science and Technology, University of Washington, placed…

Time Travel Is Impossible, Claim Scientists

Despite the impressive advances in science, traveling back in time seems to be impossible not only theoretically but also practically, as Albert Einstein had argued with great insistence a century ago. Let's find out why time travel is impossible, according to a new study. This discouraging statement about the infeasibility…

What Happens After Death, According to Near-Death Experience Research?

Near-death experiences could shed light on what happens after death. Is there a beyond? Judge for yourself! Raymond Moody, philosopher, psychologist, physician, and author, was the first man to discover and research near-death experiences. During patient interviews, he studied near-death experiences (NDE) and questioned people who claim to have undergone…

Sixth Sense Exists and Helps Us Understand What Other People Think

According to a neuroscientist from Sydney, the phenomenon of sixth sense exists in a form of interaction between people. After five years of follow-up brain activity study, Trisha Stratford from the University of Technology, Sydney concluded that two people can “synchronize” the functions of their nervous system without having any visual…