Uncommon science: eye-opening scientific findings and impressive technological advances. Interesting facts and thought-provoking theories about Human, Earth and the Universe

How Complaining Rewires Your Brain for Negativity and Literally Kills You

Complaining can be much worse for you than you thought, according to neuroscience. We tend to feel a lot better once we’ve had a good moan. Getting things off our chests seems to relieve a burden or two, and who hasn’t heard of the old adage ‘a problem shared is…

5 Seemingly Modern Phenomena You Won’t Believe Are Actually Surprisingly Old

Some modern phenomena, which seem to be a product of the 21st century, may not be as modern as you might think. ‘History repeats itself’ may be one of the most overused phrases you’ll ever hear – and rightly so. It’s amazing as to the extent that humanity repeatedly recycles…

What You See in This Salvador Dali Painting Could Reveal How Your Brain Works

The optical illusion in this Salvador Dali painting could say a lot about how your brain works. Art isn’t always about painting a “pretty” picture. Sometimes art can be horrifying and speak with loud accusations. Art can also be riveting in emotion and cause the viewer to stop and stare…

The Nature of Human Consciousness: Are We Quantum Beings?

The nature of human consciousness is one of the most challenging yet less understood problems in cognitive science. As Ken Palmer, the psychology professor, and director of the Cognitive Neuroscience Program at Northwestern once remarked: The debate about the neural basis of consciousness rages because there is no widely accepted…