Recent findings, thought-provoking theories, and unbelievable experiments in the field of physics, biology, chemistry, and other natural sciences.

What If We Live in a Matrix and Reality Is a Computer Program?

Patterns and coincidences occur around us every day. We notice them in things like the flower of life and the golden ratio. Numbers and sequences are found all over in life, and mathematics is considered the only consistent global language, because, as engineers will all say, the numbers never lie.…

Reality Doesn’t Exist If You Are Not Looking at It, Quantum Experiment Shows

Does the world we live in exist? Scientists say no - at least not until it’s measured anyway, and this would pertain to a small scale. For Australian scientists, recreating experiments confirmed quantum physics' predictions. The existence of reality is questionable. If this sounds complex, not to worry. This experiment…

Black Hole Paradox Solved? New Study Claims Black Holes Can Store Information

Black holes may be the storehouse of information. All this talk of black holes eating information – we hope – is false. In fact, the idea that data is stored there, even better than any mechanical device or brain, is intriguing. Information is never erased and can rebuild the past through…

‘Spooky Action at a Distance’ Demonstrated by Quantum Experiment Proves Einstein Wrong

He may have been a genius, but have his theories met their expiration date? Some scientists believe this to be true, according to recent facts. Experiments implementing homodyne measurements shed light on the “unbelief” of what Albert Einstein held as truth. Albert Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance” was examined…