Can Your Mind Influence Your Genes? Unusual Theory

American biologist claims that genes can be affected by signals located in the external environment of the cell, such as thoughts, feelings, and emotions. According to cell biologist Dr. Bruce H. Lipton (formerly a professor of anatomy at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and now a researcher), this…

Animal Consciousness: Are Animals Sentient Beings?

Is animal consciousness real? The problem of consciousness still remains confusing and is divided not so much among academic schools, but according to their philosophical approaches. What is it all about when we talk about consciousness? Is it a necessary part of complex cognitive processes of understanding the world? Are…

Quantum Theory Claims That Consciousness Moves to Another Universe After Death

A book titled "Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the Nature of the Universe", published in the USA, has stirred up the Internet because of the notion that life does not end when the body dies and can last forever. The author of this publication, scientist…

Matter and Consciousness: Do Our Thoughts Create Our Reality?

Dr. Joe Dispenza claims that every time we learn something new, hundreds of thousands of our neurons change, which affects the state of our physical body. According to him, there is a link between matter and consciousness. Dr. Dispenza is known worldwide for his original theory of the connection between…

9 Things That Enhance Your Brain Function

We all know that things like solving puzzles, healthy nutrition, and exercise enhance our brain function. But what about some less obvious ones? 9 Things That Enhance Your Brain Function 1. Specific goals Once you articulate a specific goal or a task for yourself, wonderful things will start happening. You…