Synchronicity and the Secret of the Co-Creator

Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner to the observer. To count as synchronicity, the events should be unlikely to occur together by chance. If you believe synchronicity is simply a coincidence, then you haven’t read any of…

What If We Live in a Matrix and Reality Is a Computer Program?

Patterns and coincidences occur around us every day. We notice them in things like the flower of life and the golden ratio. Numbers and sequences are found all over in life, and mathematics is considered the only consistent global language, because, as engineers will all say, the numbers never lie.…

The 6 Most Fascinating Studies on Consciousness [Infographic]

Studies on consciousness reflect scientists' and psychologists' struggle to understand and measure this phenomenon. With the topic being so hard to measure, it has always been one area of science that people constantly question. There are six main studies on consciousness that have begun to pave the way to understanding…