How to Unleash the Power of Your Superconscious Mind using Mantras

Awaken your superconscious mind with the power of mantras. Mantra is a Buddhist/Hindus classical spiritual technique of personal development which consists of positive thoughts, words or syllables. Through loud or silent repetition, they can produce beneficial effects in your being on all three levels: physical (healing), mental (harmonization) and spiritual…

The Nature of Human Consciousness: Are We Quantum Beings?

The nature of human consciousness is one of the most challenging yet less understood problems in cognitive science. As Ken Palmer, the psychology professor, and director of the Cognitive Neuroscience Program at Northwestern once remarked: The debate about the neural basis of consciousness rages because there is no widely accepted…

New Study Reveals What a Brain on LSD Actually Looks Like and This Is Eye-Opening

Have you ever wondered what a brain on LSD looks like? Last April, crowdfunding started on the science website Walacea. The fund was set up for research looking into the psychological effects of LSD on the brain through an MRI scanner. The research was conducted by Prof. David Nutt, Robin…