Which Mix of the Big Five Personality Traits Are You?

All of us have different personalities. However, psychologists believe that all of our personalities are actually a mixture of Big Five personality traits. The theory suggests that everyone has these key traits. However, each individual has a different amount of each. The traits work on a sliding scale with, for example,…

Fun Brain Games That Will Make You Smarter

Fun brain games are becoming more and more popular these days, and there is a good reason why. Today, our brains are working faster than ever but unfortunately, not nearly as efficiently as before. Multitasking and the super-fast flow of information that came with the golden age of IT brought…

The Habit of Everyday Reading Can Change Your Life – Here Is How!

Everyday reading can change you in amazing and unexpected ways. Don’t be fooled to think that reading is just a hobby. Picking up a book and venturing through the pages can change your life. Reading has benefits reaching beyond just gaining knowledge, but also improving your quality of life. Here…

If You Are Always Late, You Are Probably More Creative and Potentially More Successful

According to science, if you are a person who is always late, you are more likely to achieve success later in life! We’ve all been in the situation of turning up late to important events. However, if you have the reputation of always being the last one to arrive, then…

What Are the 12 Archetypes and Which One Dominates Your Personality

There are 12 archetypes which have been appearing in stories and myths all over the world since the beginning of time. Carl Jung defined 12 archetypes that symbolize basic human motivations, as well as drive our desires and goals. These archetypes resonate with us so much that we continue to…

5 Ways Geniuses Think Differently from Everyone Else

Geniuses may have more gray matter than the rest of us. However, what really makes geniuses different from the average person is not so much what they think, but the way they think. By following the thinking strategies of the greatest minds, we too could have moments of creative inspiration.…