Psychiatric Disorders Like Anxiety and Bipolar Could Be the Cost of a High IQ, Science Reveals

Could high IQ be responsible for psychiatric disorders? Let's see what science has to say... It has generally been accepted that your level of IQ has some bearing on how physically healthy you are. This is because individuals that are healthy tend to practice certain lifestyles that require learning, knowledge…

How a Wandering Mind Makes You More Creative and Helps You Reach Your Goals

There are some pros and cons of having a wandering mind. I have stepped into the ocean. The cool waters lap against my legs and a breeze whips through my hair. I watch the white caps tumble further out in the chaotic churn and this makes me smile. I am…

Creativity and Madness: the Real Reason Why Writers and Poets Are So Eccentric

Why do creativity and madness often go hand in hand in the case of writers and poets? The word “crazy” is thrown around so liberally to describe a wide spectrum of activities, objects, and people. You will walk into a room with a girl trying to describe the guy she…

6 Reasons Why More and More Parents Choose Homeschooling over Public Education

Nowadays, more and more parents seem to choose homeschooling over public school education, and there are some good reasons for this. What’s the purpose of education? What methods and techniques work best for children? The honest answer will be none and every. Clearly, it means that the “one size fits…