10 Contradictory Traits of Creative People

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is a psychology professor whose book Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention, written after many years of research on the subject, describes the creative process from a psychological standpoint. The author emphasizes the contradiction between the traits of creative people. 10 Contradictory Traits of Creative…

9 Things That Enhance Your Brain Function

We all know that things like solving puzzles, healthy nutrition, and exercise enhance our brain function. But what about some less obvious ones? 9 Things That Enhance Your Brain Function 1. Specific goals Once you articulate a specific goal or a task for yourself, wonderful things will start happening. You…

10 Key Skills of Successful People

If we note the behavior of many successful people in business, economics, politics, or personal development, you will find out that there are at least 10 key skills possessed by all these individuals. 10 Key Skills of Successful People 1. Critical thinking All successful people have a powerful skill of…

The Surprising Link Between Music Preference and Personality

Most people are aware of how music affects our moods. However, you may be more surprised to learn about the links between music preference and personality. But what genres are linked to personality styles and can listening to your favorite songs really change your personality? In this post, we’ll take…

5 Morning Tips for Boosting Creativity

Keeping your creative juices flowing is not always easy, and boosting creativity can be quite a challenge sometimes. The thought of not being able to come up with ideas and innovations can be stressful, and stress stifles creativity. This starts a vicious cycle of worrying about being able to perform,…