Is Stonehenge a Giant Musical Instrument, or an Ancient Church Bell?

One of the most mysterious places in the world is Stonehenge. Why? Well, according to many stricken with a mad curiosity, Stonehenge is much more than a passing interest – it holds the secrets of connection. Much more than that – it is said that Stonehenge is a giant musical instrument.…

Indian Archaeologists Found 10,000-Year-Old Rock Paintings Depicting Alien-Like Creatures

The assumption that people in ancient times may have had contacts with alien visitors seems to have found another evidence. Indian researchers discovered petroglyphs (images carved on rocks) which seem to depict humanoids with obscure faces and an object that looks like a spaceship. They are estimated to be about…

Top 5 Scientific Discoveries of 2013 According to National Geographic

Science in 2013 played a more important role than ever. At the same time, many intriguing discoveries were made. Here is a list of five major scientific discoveries according to the magazine National Geographic. 1. Space has become more ‘crowded’ In 2013, researchers from the California Institute of Technology suggested…

8 Most Significant Scientific Breakthroughs of 2012

The discovery of the Higgs boson has become a major scientific achievement of the year 2012, according to the journal Science. The discovery of the Higgs boson, deciphering of the Denisovans genome, Curiosity landing on Mars, and artificial limbs controlled by the brain signals are on the list of major…