What Is Growth Mindset and 3 Ways You Can Cultivate It, According to Science

Having a growth mindset means you believe your skills can be honed and developed. How to cultivate this way of thinking to reach success? The road to success is paved with failure. There’s more than a kernel of truth to this old adage and it is closely linked to the…

6 of the Best TV Series That Can Compete with Quality Literature

What do you think makes the best TV series? Good acting, a great storyline, lots of twists in the plot? The television has undoubtedly provided information to the uninformed. It has allowed families to bond over massive world events like the moon landing and made entertainment available in the comfort…

5 Social Activities That Are Ruining Your Intelligence & Mental Health

Social activities are what make humans different from other animals. Human beings are, by nature, social creatures. So you would think that the more we get together, talk to one another, share ideas and knowledge, the smarter we’d get. Not so according to research, which suggests that some social activities…

How to Answer Embarrassing Personal Questions the Way Intelligent People Do

Asking personal questions can feel awkward. There are ways, however, to ask these questions from an intellectual standpoint, and create a comfortable environment for all. Some say it’s rude to ask personal questions, and it can be. There are circumstances that require asking a personal question or cases where it’s…

6 Signs You Are People Smart (and How to Develop Your Interpersonal Intelligence)

A people smart person, or someone with a developed interpersonal intelligence, builds healthy, positive and effective relationships, uses diplomacy and tact, and can ease the atmosphere even in very tense conflict situations. For this, a person with high interpersonal intelligence must have the capacity to understand others and to know…

5 Mind Control Techniques Used by the Media to Evoke the Worst in Us

When you think of mind control techniques, do you envisage some shady government agent in an unknown location, using dodgy methods for evil manipulation? It appears that this is quite a common first reaction. The truth, in fact, is a lot more subtle, and disturbing. The mass media have been…