4 Types of Mental Illness That Can Be Predicted in Childhood

Is it possible to predict certain types of mental illness in adults from childhood behavior? Are there signs in childhood that can indicate what types of mental illness an adult will be predisposed? Experts think there are. So what forms of mental illness are we talking about? 1. Depression Depression…

What Is Brain Plasticity and How to Use It to Supercharge Your Brain Power

Brain plasticity or neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change. Moreover, you may not know that you can stimulate it to supercharge your brain power. This article will reveal the ways to do it. The brain is easily one of the most important parts of our body. In order to…

What Is Fluid Intelligence and 6 Science-Backed Ways to Develop It

Our fluid intelligence is more about the way we think than the knowledge stored in our brains. In the past, people thought intelligence was fixed. However, we now know that there are many things we can do to increase our intelligence. This article looks at the ways we can develop…

What Is Transcendental Meditation and How It Can Change Your Life

Suddenly everybody is talking about Transcendental Meditation. Again! Just when it seemed nothing could be holding for this practice except the 60’s love and peace clichés, from a time when hippie trails opened to India and The Beatles versed up their White Album from an ashram in the Himalayas, of…

15 Interesting Words That Could Change the Way You Think

Language lets us communicate with each other and share our ideas. Some linguists even suggest that language shapes our knowledge and thought. So, expanding our vocabulary by learning new, interesting words can help us communicate better and have more ideas. The average English speaking knows around 12,000 -25,000 words, yet…

8 Ways People Who Are Attracted to Intelligence Are Different from Everyone Else

In today’s shallow society which values appearance over substance, people who are attracted to intelligence are not so many. However, smart guys are incredibly attractive, no matter what they look like, even if not many people actually see it this way. Attraction to intelligence rather than physical appearance actually says…