This Is the Secret to Raising Smart Kids, According to a 45-Year Study

All parents want to raise smart kids. You must have heard their comments on how their children performed on tests. Their chatter is non-stop. All parents have the futures of their little ones in mind, so they do all they can to give them the physical and mental stimulation they…

Ways Society Is Getting Dumber and Dumber (and What We Can Do about It)

We often think that as a society we are getting dumber and dumber. While the subject is controversial, there is some evidence that it’s true. A recent research study suggests that IQ levels are going down. The study is controversial because of the difficulty of finding samples of IQ levels from people of…

5 Traits That Separate Dumb People from Bright Ones

There are many kinds of intelligence: emotional, practical, creative and intellectual to name a few. But there are a few traits that give dumb people away. Everyone has a different set of personality traits and skills and abilities. That’s what makes the world interesting. Having a high IQ doesn’t make one person better than…

6 Reasons Why INTP Personality Type Is One of the Quirkiest and Most Misunderstood

The INTP personality type is rare and special. People of this type are probably some of the quirkiest and most socially awkward individuals you could ever meet. INTP personality type is one of the popular classification of Myers-Briggs types. It is based on one main principle: do you prefer one…

Piano Players Have Unique and Beautiful Brains – Here Is Why

Piano players are aliens. They are set apart with brains which operate in a whole other way. I’m not saying they’re geniuses or freaks. They're just unique. I guess I’m getting a little egotistical writing this because I play the piano. I’ve practiced this instrument from childhood, and I hated…

8 Reasons Gifted People Find It Hard to Be Happy

Being born gifted seems like a lucky break. However, there are problems that come with these talents that can make it hard for gifted people to be truly happy. History gives us many examples of gifted people who were often unhappy. From statespersons such as Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill…