10 Traits an INFP Personality Type Will Immediately Relate to

The INFP personality type, one of the 16 personality types described by the Myers-Briggs personality test, is one of the rarer personality types, found in 4% of the population. This personality is often called ‘the idealist’ or ‘the mediator’ and is characterized by a preference for introversion over extroversion, intuition…

3 Struggles Only an Intuitive Introvert Will Understand (and What to Do about Them)

An intuitive introvert has a rich inner life and powerful intuition.  However, this can make taking action in the real world more difficult for them. According to the popular Myers-Briggs classification, there are 4 types of intuitive introverts (IN): INTP, INFP, INFJ and INTJ. If you are an Intuitive Introvert, you may…

6 Reasons Why INTP Personality Type Is One of the Quirkiest and Most Misunderstood

The INTP personality type is rare and special. People of this type are probably some of the quirkiest and most socially awkward individuals you could ever meet. INTP personality type is one of the popular classification of Myers-Briggs types. It is based on one main principle: do you prefer one…

4 Things That Make the Introverted Brain Different from the Extroverted One

Research suggests there are key differences between the extroverted and introverted brain. Have you ever wondered why introverts and extroverts are so different? If you are an introvert, chances are that while you enjoy the company of others at times, you find too much social interaction tiring. I know I…

5 Reasons INFJ Personality Type Is So Hard to Understand

INFJ personality type is rare and complex. This makes it hard for others to understand them. In fact, we INFJ’s often have a hard time understanding ourselves! INFJ is one of the types of Myers-Briggs personality types. Myers-Briggs types are a popular classification of different types of personality. It uses one main principle at its…

6 Profound Insights on Fear and Anxiety That Will Change Your Perception

Fear and anxiety will make you feel alone in a world with scary people, at least that was how I felt. I have anxiety disorder, along with a couple other disorders I’d rather not talk about at the moment, and so I am alone still… but I’m learning. I know what…