What Is Introverted Intuition and How to Use Its Power to the Fullest

If your dominant cognitive function is Introverted Intuition, you have gifts and powers that can improve your life and make a difference in the world. What is introverted intuition? The “N” in INFJ, INFP, INTP, and INTJ personality types stands for iNtuition. This means that these personality types gather and process information primarily…

What Are Emotional Triggers and How They Could Be Secretly Influencing Your Life

What are emotional triggers? Do you ever overreact to a comment by a friend or family member that really isn’t meant to upset you? At the same time, you feel like the rug has been whipped away from under your feet? Chances are you have certain emotional triggers and have…

7 Distorted Thinking Traps That Even Intelligent People Fall into

We may think we are rational human beings, but actually, we are often swayed by distorted thinking patterns called cognitive biases. Our brains are complicated. We may think that we are always rational and make the best decisions based on available evidence. However, our thinking processes can sometimes be led…

This Is How People with Schizophrenia Really Perceive the World

Imagine a world where strange voices interrupted your thoughts, or you saw people that others did not. Welcome to the nightmare of people with schizophrenia. To have a diagnosis of schizophrenia must be akin to being told you have cancer but are we justified to be so scared of this…

The Link between Sensory Processing Disorder and Anxiety No One Talks about

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is a medical disorder where the brain finds it difficult to organise and sort the information it is getting from our senses. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your environment? Do sights, sounds, smells or textures sometimes exhaust you and make you feel anxious? You could…