How to Master The Power of Positive Thinking with These Science-Based Hacks

The power of positive thinking can be an amazing ability. Our thoughts can create and they can destroy, so why not use them for good! As human beings, we downplay the power of positive thinking. This is mainly because we have to witness trauma and heartbreak on a regular basis.…

6 Eckhart Tolle Quotes That Will Change Your Perspective on Life

The words of Eckhart Tolle have the power to inspire and awaken us, as you will see from the below powerful quotes that may transform your life. Eckhart Tolle is one of the most influential spiritual writers in the western world. In his work, he explains how he was often…

5 Philosophical Questions That Will Blow Your Mind

Some philosophical questions are so difficult you could tie yourself up in mental knots trying to understand them. But they do make great dinner party conversations. We usually refer to these types of philosophical queries as thought experiments. People have been using these conundrums to understand philosophical concepts for nearly…

10 Carl Jung Quotes That Teach Profound Life Lessons

Here are some powerful Carl Jung quotes about life. Carl Jung was a Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist who founded analytic psychology. Jung developed many concepts including extroverted and introverted personality types, the collective unconscious and is still influential in psychiatry today. Many of Carl Jung quotes about life are widely known…

Everything Is Energy and Science Hints at It – Here Is How

Many spiritual traditions have viewed everything in the universe as part of an interconnected web of energy. Now, certain scientific ideas hint that everything is energy. Throughout history, humans have believed in various religious and spiritual traditions. Many of these beliefs include an element of the unseen, something more than…