Nietzsche Philosophy: 6 Misunderstood Ideas That Will Make You Think

Friedrich Nietzsche is one of the most interesting figures in philosophy, yet also the most misunderstood. When reading his philosophical works, we must fully understand it before we can take away what Nietzsche intended. The philosophy of Nietzsche is complex on its first read. His language does not mean what you…

5 Profound Lessons Alan Watts’ Philosophy Teaches You about Life

Alan Watts' philosophy was nothing short of inspiring. Alan Watts was a 20th Century British philosopher known for popularising the Zen and Buddhist teachings in Western Society, moving them from a religion to a way of life. Writing over 25 books and holding over 400 lectures, Watts became one of…

What Is Socratic Questioning and How to Use It for Self-Analysis and Problem-Solving

Socratic questioning can help you reach a different conclusion to the questions you were asking. This can be useful when dealing with problems and insecurities. Aside from Plato, Socrates is one of the most famous Greek philosophers and is regarded as one of the wisest people ever to have lived.…

6 Famous Philosophers in History and What They Can Teach Us about Modern Society

Famous philosophers have sought to understand the human condition for centuries. It is surprising how much these giants of the past had to say that has influenced modern society. Here are some words of wisdom from some of the most famous philosophers of all time. 1. Aristotle Aristotle was one…

What Is a Polymath or a Renaissance Person and How to Become One

You should definitely consider becoming a polymath or a Renaissance person. And no, I’m not saying you should start dressing up like a Renaissance person and acting like a weirdo. Polymath is a kind of well-rounded person who knows a lot of things from several areas of life. Academics, politics,…

How to Use Stoic Philosophy to Stay Calm in Any Difficult Situation

Difficulties arise faster than we can alleviate them, it seems. However, stoic philosophy can help us keep calm and live our purpose in life regardless. Problems seem to overwhelm and complicate our lives, popping up as soon as we think we have a handle on everything. To be honest, if…